Ensure your school is national curriculum compliant
Teaching swimming and water safety during Key Stage 1 or 2 is a requirement of the national curriculum PE programme of study. There is no current teaching requirement in Key Stage(s) 3, 4 or 5.
Ensuring your school is complying with national curriculum requirements
Maintained schools, including those that convert to academies, must publish information about their use of the Primary PE and Sport Premium. This should be published on the school’s website.
Since 2017, it is also requirement to include the attainment figures of all year 6 pupils for swimming and water safety.
It’s important schools share these attainment figures for parents to be aware of their child’s abilities. In place of a more formal reporting method, it also allows secondary schools the ability to access the information.
Schools are responsible for collecting the data for each pupil. If school swimming and water safety lessons are provided by a third party, such as a pool operator or swim school, teachers should request this information at the end of each swimming term or block of lessons.
Support materials for completing the reporting template are listed below.
Useful links
The Association for Physical Education (AfPE) provide guidance and a template for reporting the use of the Primary PE and Sports Premium.
- afPE guidance for reporting on the Primary PE and Sports Premium
- Evidencing the Impact reporting template
- Government advice to schools on the use of the Primary PE and Sports Premium.
- Swim England guidance on how to use the Primary PE and Sports Premium for swimming and water safety provision.