Learn the tools and strategies to manage larger groups of swimmers, including assessing swimmers, behaviour management, using an assistant, and teaching organisation methods.
Learn how to identify the early warning signs of stress, depression and anxiety and how to support those affected by poor mental health.
Take the first step in your swimming career and become a swimming lesson helper. This eLearning will enable you to help a swimming teacher deliver a swimming lesson effectively.
Learn how to make aquatic adaptations to support those with long term health conditions.
Covers how to plan and implement a comprehensive observation programme for your swimming teaching team.
This CPD is designed to help swimming teachers understand how best to use swim assistants/swim lesson helpers to support them in delivering a better quality lesson.
Learn to protect and project your voice to ensure your message gets across while avoiding permanent damage.
Learn to communicate more fluently and effectively when teaching swimming to make more of a positive impact on learning in sessions.
Learn how to confidently manage, support, and teach swimming lessons in deep water.