Builds on the SEQ Level 2 Teaching Swimming qualification, developing your knowledge and skills to teach swimming to babies and toddlers.
Search coursesThis course develops your knowledge, skills and abilities as a teacher for babies and toddlers and gives you the skills to independently plan and deliver a series of baby and toddler swimming lessons.
Anyone with a SEQ Level 2 Teaching Swimming qualification post April 2022 who wants to provide baby and toddler swimming sessions. If you hold a SEQ Level 2 Teaching Swimming qualification pre-April 2022, you can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
If you hold a SEQ Level 2 Teaching Swimming qualification between 2002 and April 2022 please email a copy of your pre requisite certificate to [email protected]. Please ensure when you send your certificate over you indicate the venue and start date of the course you have booked onto.
There are two ways to complete this qualification:
1. Face to Face
The course is delivered over four face-to-face days and the qualification is delivered through a mixture of classroom activities and practical poolside learning. You will participate in at least two 30-minute swimming lessons to gain hands-on practical experience.
2. Online and Virtual
The course is delivered through a mixture of online learning, classroom activities and practical poolside learning. You will participate in at least four 30-minute pre-school swimming lessons to gain hands-on practical experience.
During the course you will learn about: